Dear Editor:
I received #4 of TRANSVESTIA and was really thrilled as I read all the nice articles and stories. Your magazine really fills a great need for we girls who are sexually males but mentally and spiritually are women. We love to assume the female role and dress and act just as feminine as possible.
It was so thrilling to read how "Lilly" and "Elsie" were made over and became ladies for all time and married to such lovely wives. I like to read "Edith's " account of her trip to Wash. and how she stayed at the YWCA. I have done the same and it is so nice to live for awhile in a 100% girl society and just be one of them.
I read Mrs. Sarah T's article about we TVs and I feel that she is right in her analysis. We are just too dog- gone cowardly to advance our cause so that people will accept us and not think us crasy. Well, I am doing some- thing about it by feeling out others on the subject and if they are favorable to it I tell them that I practice female impersonation as a hobby. Now several women know about me and I was delighted by their attitude. They seemed interested and even pleased as I modeled my femin- ine apparel before them. After the first few embarassing moments talk was resumed and except for an amused glance now and then they gave no indication that here was a man with them but dressed as they were dressed.
I was wondering if you know of any men who have adopt ed the female role completely and live all the time as women. Perhaps they too would enjoy your lovely magazine. I know of one man who is now and has been a woman complete- ly for the last 12 years. The name is Alice and she be- gan her feminine career just after graduation from High School. Living with a widowed mother this boy could not find a job, he just looked everywhere. He saw many ads for women or girls to work in restaurants so one day with the aid of his mother he attired himself in a complete girls outfit including makeup and a wig and went out seek- ing a job. He got one waiting on tables in a cafe. Thus he was able to support his mother and himself. The work was pleasant and not too hard so Alice became a pretty